
Mei 2020 JSES Nieuwe abstracts en online artikelen

Op deze pagina worden regelmatig de abstracts weergegeven van de onlangs verschenen artikelen van JSES die betrekking hebben op de Schouder en Elleboog of anders interessant zijn voor de leden van de regionale SchouderNetwerken.

 Prevention of Cutibacterium acnes infection in arthroscopic shoulder surgery: a systematic review 
John W. Belk, Matthew J. Kraeutler, John R. Smith, Connor P. Littlefield, Jonathan T. Bravman, Darby A. Houck, Anthony J. Scillia, Eric C. McCarty 
 Reverse shoulder arthroplasty with and without latissimus and teres major transfer for patients with combined loss of elevation and external rotation: a prospective, randomized investigation 
Bradley L. Young, Patrick M. Connor, Shadley C. Schiffern, Katherine M. Roberts, Nady Hamid 
 Tranexamic acid for the Latarjet procedure: a randomized controlled trial 
Eoghan T. Hurley, Daren Lim Fat, Leo Pauzenberger, Hannan Mullett 
 The association between race/ethnicity and outcomes following primary shoulder arthroplasty 
Ivan A. Garcia, Priscilla H. Chan, Heather A. Prentice, Ronald A. Navarro 
 Retrospective review of open and arthroscopic repair of anterosuperior rotator cuff tears with subscapularis involvement: a single surgeon’s experience 
Andrew S. Neviaser, Daniel A. Charen, Jillian M. Cotter, Alicia K. Harrison, Paul J. Cagle, Evan L. Flatow 
 Same-day discharge is not inferior to longer length of in-hospital stay for 90-day readmissions following shoulder arthroplasty 
Jonathan D. Kramer, Priscilla H. Chan, Heather A. Prentice, Joshua Hatch, Mark T. Dillon, Ronald A. Navarro 
 Short-term evaluation of humeral stress shielding following reverse shoulder arthroplasty using press-fit fixation compared with cemented fixation 
Patrick J. Denard, Georges Haidamous, Reuben Gobezie, Anthony A. Romeo, Evan Lederman 
 Proximal humeral osteolysis and glenoid radiolucent lines in an anatomic shoulder arthroplasty: a comparison of a ceramic and a metal humeral head component 
Simon N. Bell, Maxim U.S.I. Christmas, Jennifer A. Coghlan 
Open Access
 Surgeon charges and reimbursements are declining compared with hospital payments for shoulder arthroplasty 
Aaron J. Casp, J. Michael Smith, Stephen F. Brockmeier, Brian C. Werner 
 Bilateral scapulothoracic arthrodesis for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: function, fusion, and respiratory consequences 
Pascal Boileau, Alexis Pison, Adam Wilson, Olivier van der Meijden, Sabrina Sacconi, Christophe Trojani, Marc-Olivier Gauci 
 Teres major transfer to restore external rotation of shoulder in Erb palsy patients 
Ashraf M. Abdelaziz, Wael Aldahshan, Faisal Ahmed Hashem Elsherief, Mahmoud Ali Ismail, Amro A. Fouaad, Wael Sh Mahmoud, Tharwat Al Akeed, Mahmoud Mabrouk Said 
 Arthroscopic shoulder stabilization in the young athlete: return to sport and revision stabilization rates 
Frank A. Cordasco, Brian Lin, Michael Heller, Lori Ann Asaro, Daphne Ling, Jacob G. Calcei 
 Favorable outcome of extended curettage for the treatment of unifocal chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis of clavicle: a case series 
Khodamorad Jamshidi, Mohsen Heidari, Abolfazl Bagherifard, Alireza Mirzaei 
 Tailored treatment of aneurysmal bone cyst of the scapula: en bloc resection for the body and extended curettage for the neck and acromion 
Khodamorad Jamshidi, Milad Haji Agha Bozorgi, Mikaiel Hajializade, Abolfazl Bagherifard, Alireza Mirzaei 
 Uncemented fixation of a monoblock ingrowth polyethylene glenoid: early follow-up 
Bradley S. Schoch, Ali Zarezadeh, Michael Priddy, Joseph J. King, Thomas W. Wright 
 Midterm clinical and radiologic results of reverse shoulder arthroplasty with an eccentric glenosphere 
Philippe Collotte, John Erickson, Thais Dutra Vieira, Peter Domos, Gilles Walch 
 Injured vs. uninjured elbow opening on clinical stress radiographs and its relationship to ulnar collateral ligament injury severity in throwers 
Rik J. Molenaars, Giovanna I.S. Medina, Denise Eygendaal, Luke S. Oh 
 Arthroscopic osteocapsular arthroplasty for advanced-stage primary osteoarthritis of the elbow using a computed tomography–based classification 
Jae-Man Kwak, Hyojune Kim, Yucheng Sun, Erica Kholinne, Kyoung Hwan Koh, In-Ho Jeon 
 Serum uric acid level is associated with the incidence of heterotopic ossification following elbow trauma surgery 
Jinwu Bai, Zhihui Kuang, Yimin Chen, Kai Hang, Jianxiang Xu, Deting Xue 
 Return to work following a distal biceps repair: a systematic review of the literature 
Luc Rubinger, Max Solow, Herman Johal, Jamal Al-Asiri 
 Basic Science 
 A cadaveric study of radial and ulnar bowing in the sagittal and coronal planes 
Morgan B. Weber, Z. Deniz Olgun, Kaeleen A. Boden, Douglas S. Weinberg, Blaine T. Bafus, Daniel R. Cooperman, Raymond W. Liu 
 Hemiarthroplasties: the choice of prosthetic material causes different levels of damage in the articular cartilage 
Niloofar Ajdari, Christine Tempelaere, Maryam Imani Masouleh, Richard Abel, Daniel Delfosse, Roger Emery, Daniele Dini, Ulrich Hansen 
 Viewing perspective malrotation influences angular measurements on lateral radiographs of the scapula 
Thomas Suter, Nicola Krähenbühl, C. Kalebb Howell, Yue Zhang, Heath B. Henninger 
 Rasch analysis of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) instrument in patients with a humeral shaft fracture 
Esther M.M. Van Lieshout, Kiran C. Mahabier, Wim E. Tuinebreijer, Michael H.J. Verhofstad, Dennis Den Hartog on behalf of the HUMMER Investigators 
 Automated quantification of glenoid bone defects using 3-dimensional measurements 
Katrien Plessers, Filip Verhaegen, Christophe Van Dijck, Roel Wirix-Speetjens, Philippe Debeer, Ilse Jonkers, Jos Vander Sloten 
 Review Articles 
 The effect of perioperative platelet-rich plasma injections on postoperative failure rates following rotator cuff repair: a systematic review with meta-analysis 
Parker A. Cavendish, Joshua S. Everhart, Alex C. DiBartola, Alexander D. Eikenberry, Gregory L. Cvetanovich, David C. Flanigan 
 Revision shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review and comparison of North American vs. European outcomes and complications 
Nikolas K. Knowles, Melanie P. Columbus, Kilian Wegmann, Louis M. Ferreira, George S. Athwal 
 Online Articles 
 Psychosocial factors affecting outcomes after shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review 
Sravya P. Vajapey, Gregory L. Cvetanovich, Julie Y. Bishop, Andrew S. Neviaser 
 Clinical and radiographic outcomes with a posteriorly augmented glenoid for Walch B glenoids in anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty 
Sean G. Grey, Thomas W. Wright, Pierre-Henri Flurin, Joseph D. Zuckerman, Christopher P. Roche, Richard J. Friedman 
 Clinical and radiographic outcomes with a posteriorly augmented glenoid for Walch B2, B3, and C glenoids in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty 
Mandeep Virk, Michael Yip, Lindsey Liuzza, Mina Abdelshahed, Albit Paoli, Sean Grey, Thomas Wright, Pierre-Henri Flurin, Christopher Roche, Joseph D. Zuckerman 
 Proximal radial fracture as a complication of distal biceps tendon repair: a case report 
Gabriella Bucci, Bryan Morgan, Russell R. Smith, Patricia J. Snelus, Steven B. Singleton 
 Letter to the Editor regarding Kolade et al: “Efficacy of liposomal bupivacaine in shoulder surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis” 
Nirav H. Amin, Mary DiGiorgi, Paul J. Favorito 
 Response to Amin et al regarding: “Efficacy of liposomal bupivacaine in shoulder surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis” 
Oluwadamilola Kolade, Karan Patel, Rivka Ihejirika, Daniel Press, Scott Friedlander, Timothy Roberts, Andrew S. Rokito, Mandeep S. Virk 

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